Posted by: Juweon | May 5, 2009

My Pledge

So many have asked what I plan to do with the salary that I will be getting if I become the lucky caretaker.  From the get-go, I’ve been telling those in my inner circle that I’ll be creating a scholarship program/contest for my alma mater, The University of Texas at Austin and also for my old high school, Judson High School in San Antonio, Texas.  

What the program is entailed to get the students to take an interest on an ecosystem like the Great Barrier Reef, research the science behind it or maybe the governmental policy behind it and also come up with an imaginative and creative fund raising campaign where 100% of the proceeds will go to an organization designed to protect the reef.  Then I will pick 2 winners from each school, pay for them 100%, including the air, food and lodging(extra bedrooms in the Pearl) and get the students to experience the reef first hand.  I also want to connect them with politicians in Australia like Minister Peter Lawlor who has over 40 years of experience drawing up policy that protected the environment and also hook the up with scientists and marine biologist on the reef so they can be educated about the issues and concerns that come with an ecosystem like the GBR.  

You don’t think I’m serious and I’m just saying this?  Well I have MOU (Memorandum of Understandings) already sent to UT and Judson High and the College of Natural Sciences at UT have already given me a letter of support while the College of Liberal Arts Government Department is on board with the MOU, along with Judson High School.  

In Korea, TBJITW campaign was known as the “Dream Job” competition and I think that is appropriate and I want to do all that I can to spread this “dream” so that it will go on long after my 6-months on Hamilton Island is over.  

Another interesting development in my campaign… I have MOUs signed with Lotte and Mode Tour, 2 of the top 3 travel package wholesalers in South Korea, with each company sending over 1million Koreans on travel packages around the world each year.  The MOU’s state that Lotte and Mode would vigorously pursue travel package development for QLD, Hamo and the Whitsundays as well as pursue other business opportunities such as educational travel packages for students and working holiday packages for the college aged and the recently graduated sector among other things. 

Sorry I don’t have any cool videos or vivid description of the activities that we did yesterday but it has been a pretty busy night getting ready for everything and the big final interview.  Wish me luck and I’ll come back with an update soon.  Thanks guys!


  1. Sounds like you’re going well-armed, into your face-to-face interview and looking far beyond “getting a tan”, as your Island Caretaker legacy.

    Congrats on your forward thinking, planning and giving back. I wish you all the best of luck with your interview.


  2. Is Juweon will be the ultimate islandcaretaker? Then vote now!

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